Category Archives: Causes Of Hair Loss

Balding Solution For Men And Women

Androgenetic alopecia (male and female pattern balding) is by far the most common cause of hair loss amongst men and a serious problem for many women. There are three important components which are responsible for both female and male balding: 1. A genetic predisposition for balding to occur. 2. Excessive presence of male hormones. 3. Aging – enough time for the first two factors to occur. Both men and women produce male hormones that have a useful role to play in both sexes; but the fact that […]

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A Cure For The Age Old Problem Of Hair Loss

Men aren’t the only ones looking for a cure for hair loss. Some women are also affected. One solution is delving into the Internet for answers. Cyberspace will provide you with a number of solutions to this confidence-breaking problem. You can even sift through a variety of reviews posted by individuals who have tried specific products. Depending on what you’re willing to spend, there is surely a cure for hair loss suitable to you. I recall when my older brother began losing his dew toward the end […]

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Causes Of Folliculitis

Bacterial folliculitis develops when bacteria enters the body through a cut, scrape, surgical incision, or multiplies in the skin near a hair follicle. The bacteria can get trapped and the infection may spread from the hair follicles to the other parts of the body. Bacterial folliculitis may be superficial or deep. Superficial folliculitis, also called impetigo, consists of pustules which are small-circumscribed elevations of the skin containing pus. The pustules are often surrounded by a ring of redness. Deep folliculitis results when the infection goes deeper and […]

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